Guru Guru Pet Food Home Page
It’s worth bearing in mind that while a dog is certainly for life, they’re also for Christmas too! Our dogs are important family members, which means we don’t want them
What a fun filled year 2016 has been for The Guru Geeks… We’ve laughed a lot, cried a lot (with laughter), ate a whole lotta cake, travelled the country and
We thought as we have been official Geeksters since August, it was probably about time we introduced ourselves. So like Laurel and Hardy or Cagney and Lacey, in true duo
Jasper Harvey is a fussy little thing. When he wakes up, he must complete his routine of going to the toilet (hopefully outside,) playing with his micro-fibre monkey, having a
It was the 7th of October around midday, the Geeksters were ploughing through emails when we clicked on one from a Company we had never heard of ‘Ellery Bow’. Intrigued….?
There has never been a need for me to switch Rufus’ dog food. He’s never had a sensitive stomach and always eaten his food with no issues. That was until