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Remember, Remember our furiends this November

So, we’re getting close to bonfire night, which is great for a lot of us (like Ralph) but for some of our furry friends (like Mac), it’s not their favourite time of the year…

Help your dog Fight their Firework Fears with Ralph & Mac’s top tips:

F etch a Guru Trip bone to help distract your pooch and keep them busy.

I f you know a dog who isn’t scared of Fireworks, keep them together to show your dog there’s no need to be afraid.

R eplay thunderstorm/firework noises working up to the events, starting quietly in the background and gradually increase the volume, to help your furiend desensitise to loud bangs while doing something they enjoy.

E ntertain your dog by playing with them and ignore the fireworks yourself.

W alk them in daylight hours, making sure they’re wearing their collar, then keep them indoors when the fireworks are likely to be set off.

O nce your dog shows signs of fear, such as barking, remember not to punish them as it will only make things worse in the long run.

R emember to act normal/calm. If you make a fuss, your four legged friend will think there’s something to worry about…

K eep your windows and curtains closed and play music/watch an action movie to muffle the sound of fireworks.

S afe haven, this is what you need to create for your dog. Create a hiding place that you can make as snug and secure as possible. They may already have a place they like to go to, such as a bed or if they don’t, create one for them (a while in advance) so your dog knows it’s their safe place when fireworks are in the air.

Stay Safe & enjoy the celebrations Geeksters!

Lots of love,
Ralph & Mac xx

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