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Geekstars of Dog Fest

Hey furiends, it’s the Guru Geeks here!

We’d like to take this time to thank you all for visiting GURUWOOD at Dog Fest this year. We met friends old and new; had a blast and lots of laughs too!

For those of you in #TeamSouth, we were sad to miss our cuddles… however we believe it was for the best, as here at Guru we want the best for all dogs and your safety needs to be put 1st xx

So, incase you missed it our LOVEable GeekSTARs Ruby & Martha are going to talk you through the world of GURUWOOD… Enjoy!

We were greeted by the very excitable Geek Squad at Guru Pet Food!

Ruby and Martha lapped up the attention, leaving their stand a little slobbery!

As Guru’s LOVEable GeekSTARS, we couldn’t resist taking some photos in front of their ‘Guruwood’ backdrop.

Their display is always fantastic! The bright yellow is easily spotted across the field! Our faces were even on their GURUWOOD wall of fame!

We of course couldn’t leave their stand empty handed, so we picked up some treat cupboard essentials; Trip BonesVenison Sausages and their new REEL Fishskins.

At the stand we also met Snap the Doodle, Woody and Wilma (The Cotswold Spaniels), Layla The White Boxer Dog, Beau The Boxer and Butty The Pug.

Check out how much fun we had below:

We had such a wonderful time and loved our Geekster kisses xx

If you want to keep up with our loveable GeekSTARs, follow @boxerdogdiaries on Instagram.

Bye for now Geeksters xox

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